Date:2020-06-22 |
On June 22, after nearly sixyears of unremitting efforts, Hongshiyan Hydropower Station in Ludian, YunnanProvince, the world"s first barrier dam comprehensive watercontrol project was officially put into operation. This station is designed byPOWERCHINA KUNMING and constructed jointly by Hydropower Foundation Bureau,14th Bureau and 7th Engineering Bureau of POWERCHINA.
Promoted by innovativeapplication of new technology, new material, new craft and new equipment, theformer dangerous dam lake was amazingly turned into the world"s first barrierdam hydraulic project that can supply water to 141300 people and irrigate to anarea of 66200 mu. The dam is 103 meters high, with a total reservoir capacityof 185 million cubic meters, an installed capacity of 201 thousand kilowattsand an annual power generation of 800 million kwh.
The subject Key technologies for emergency disposal and comprehensive treatment ofbarrier dams led and completed by KHIDI has won a special prize of scienceand technology progress by China Association of dam engineering. Besides, thisproject has won 23 invention patents, 19 utility model patents, 15 softwarecopyrights, 129 papers and 1 monograph was published. Furthermore, our project teamwas honored as "the team of excellent scientific and technologicalinnovation".